Friday, December 9, 2016

Importance of food supplements

The dietary supplements can be an excellent choice for the prevention of many diseases, to prevent aging of the body from providing the body with nutrients or substances that may be are not including within the regular diet. 

An extra and necessary contribution antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients may be required for our health and wellbeing. Now, then a little more about the importance of dietary supplements.  

Essential elements for our body

If normal food does not give us the essential nutrients for our body to have the energy for each day and the ability to have high to protect against external threats defenses, then we need to give an extra contribution to these nutritional supplements.
Within the world of supplements, supplements are natural or synthetic supplements derived from elements that can be found naturally in foods, as is the case in most vitamin supplements or vitamins isolated for consumption.
The vitamin C, essential fats, and vitamin supplements are recommended and essential for our body supplements. There are also nutritional supplements to boost metabolism, such as probiotics, which can be very beneficial to the body. 
Obviously, consumption of natural food supplements as potent as spirulina or moringa are much more beneficial than the use of synthetic supplements. 

Food Complements

The dietary supplements should not be taken as a substitute for food, but as a food supplement, especially in the case of a population at risks, such as pregnant women, the elderly and people with poor diets or particular problems absorbing nutrients. It can also be ingested at the preventive level by anyone with the supervision of a doctor.
Food is currently losing many of the qualities and nutrients that were due to pesticides, pollutants, and other external agents. Also how modern cooking with many fried and oils make miss much of the natural properties of any food, and this is why that is necessary consumption of dietary supplements such as vitamin supplements, the moringa, the spirulina and so on.
Of course, we recommend that you consult your doctor before you start taking any nutritional supplement, nutritional or vitamin, is the origin that is, to be sure that there is no contraindication for us. 
Does the doctor has recommended a dietary supplement? Did you use to improve your health?

Dietary fat: what are the "good"?

Fats are essential nutrients in our daily diet because they provide essential fatty acids can not be synthesized in our body, but do we distinguish different types and their functions? From "The Scalpel" and ABC Nutrition in the letter "G" fat, Anabel Aragon puts forward a series of recommendations on its use in a balanced diet.

Fats are one of the nutrients that provide energy to our body and contain 9 kilocalories per gram; unlike carbohydrates and proteins, where the power input falls to less than half (4 kcal / g).
As Anabel Aragon, head of Nutrition and Health Nestle he said fats are responsible for transporting fat - soluble vitamins (those fat soluble, which are vitamin A, D, E, and K) and are also structural components membranes, among other functions.
Chemically, fats are composed of three fatty acids attached to a molecule of alcohol, glycerol called structure. Their basic unit is thus the fatty acid consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
"Fats should represent about 30% of the energy input of each day," advises nutritionist.

Saturated and unsaturated

Fats are found in foods of animal and vegetable origin. According to Aragon, based on fatty acids containing, they can be classified into saturated and unsaturated.

Among the unsaturated fats, we can also distinguish monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, and the latter also include fats omega-3 and omega-6."Almost all foods contain a mixture of these two types, but in different proportions," he explains.

Although the daily fat and oil are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, they are not synonymous, and their origin is different on many occasions.
Aragon explains that "fats saturated fatty acids predominate and are usually solid at room temperature, while oils have a higher comfortable of unsaturated fatty acids and, therefore, are generally liquid at room temperature."

Good and bad

According to the expert says, saturated fats are found mostly in animal foods such as milk, butter, and meat, although there are some plant foods also contain fat as coconut and palm.
"A healthy diet should include the least possible amount of saturated fat and less than 10% of total calories a day. The consumption of these fats favor the increase of LDL cholesterol, which is what we call 'evil' "he says.
Advised to remove the visible fat from meat and skin from poultry and dairy Choose semi-skimmed.
Among the unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats found in foods such as sunflower oil, soybean, and peanut; in nuts such as almonds and walnuts and fish.
"Polyunsaturated fats can have benefits on the heart, but unlike monounsaturated, which can not exceed 6% of the total energy of the day," he remarks.
It also recommends taking more fish than meat, and vegetable oils instead of animal fats.
Among the polyunsaturated fats, Omega 3 is abundant in oily fish and omega 6 in sunflower oil and nuts, said Aragon, who insists on the need to incorporate through diet because the body can not synthesize them.
Monounsaturated fats, according to the expert, are those that take the best picture, because, in addition to lowering cholesterol is called "bad" increase "good" cholesterol. We can find them in olive oil, olives, nuts, and avocados.
"Monounsaturated fats should always be the majority in any diet and may be between 15 and 20 percent of the total energy of the day, so always potentiate enjoyed the olive oil, both for seasoning raw and cooking" stresses Aragon.


Another lipid fats different nature is cholesterol, which is essential for the body but too much can be very harmful.
Cholesterol is the component of cell membranes and is a precursor of important biological molecules, such as bile salts, some hormones, and vitamin D. We found exclusively in animal foods, especially organ meats, sausages, meats, seafood and eggs, Aragon said.

Other lipoproteins, HDL, pick up excess cholesterol in the arteries and transport it to the liver to remove it through the bile so that cholesterol binding to these lipoproteins exerting a protective effect and cleaning is colloquially known as "right" argues the expert.
"Everything impact on increasing" good "cholesterol and lower" bad "will be beneficial to our cardiovascular system. The exercise, diet low in saturated fat, the addition of fiber and plant products are real allies, while the spirit, saturated fats in excess, sedentary lifestyle and obesity will impact decreased "good" cholesterol and are therefore harmful, "says Aragon.

On the fritters, notes that can be part of a healthy diet as long as their consumption is sporadic and insists combined with steam and used cooking oil, preferably olive.

Coping back to normal after suffering cancer

Having gone through chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, uncertainties, waiting, fear ... the person who has survived cancer is no longer the same. How to get back to life where it stopped?

Almost from the diagnosis, the cancer patient, and his family want that life back to normal.However, when the oncologist announced the happy news that the treatment is completed and no longer have to back up after a few months to check that everything goes well, it might start another big challenge: back to life where he stood.
For months the reality forces us to change the lives, needs, and priorities. Therefore, adaptation to labor, social, family environment once the disease is not easy. At present, it is quite common to feel unprotected and vulnerable. Then there are new challenges such as return to work or face the loss of it, live with some physical consequences, revert to an active social life, changes in family relationships ... All these situations hinder the normalization of life as it often feels like a constant roller coaster of emotions.
Having gone through chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, uncertainties, waiting, fear ... the person who has survived cancer is no longer the same. Many internal and external aspects may have changed and resume daily routines after beating breast cancer, it may be more complicated than previously thought. Many women have to face day after day to the physical consequences that may have left the disease, causing certain activities of daily routine become complicated when previously they were not.

The physical difficulties

Some of the physical problems that may arise are:
  • Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymphatic fluid in fatty tissues just under the skin. It can cause swelling in one arm and is often accompanied by pain on movement. It is also limited because it is not recommended to force the affected arm, carry weight, etc. ..
  • Early menopause: produced by the treatment which causes excessive vaginal dryness with consequent difficulties in sexual relations.
  • Chemo-brain (in Spanish literally "chemo brain"). This term refers to cognitive changes caused by receiving chemotherapy and include difficulty with short - term memory, multiple jobs, new learning, understanding what is read, work with numbers and a decrease in the ability of concentration. Although these difficulties tend to disappear in the short-medium term, cause complications in addition to the regular working life.
However, these changes may also be better. Priorities, values, the importance of self-care, the perception of the details that could pass unnoticed before, change.

Recommendations for adaptation to the "normal" life after cancer

  1. Living in the present, here and now . The practice of mindfulness contributes to this.
  2. Spend more time with loved ones . The cancer is usually as a screen that selects the authentic personal relationships that they are not.
  3. Reflect on what happened . Treatment, experienced emotions have passed quickly without very carefully, pausing to digest helps to integrate them and fit them into our lives.
  4. Talk about feelings . Somehow express them , name them, fear, joy, sadness, excitement etc ...
  5. Improve the self - care . Caring for food, sleep and rest, physical exercise, ...
  6. Reflect on the changing values . Where do I want my life go? What I want to invest my time?
  7. Maintain a proactive behavior respecting the rhythm itself. Slowly, unhurried, translate into behavioral changes we have planned to do.
In short, despite the difficulties, it is possible to return to normal life after cancer, not like before, but better than before.
You have doubts? Plantéalas in the comments and we will respond gladly.

Diabetes has no age

In recent years, it has increased the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents, coinciding with the growth in obesity and physical inactivity in this age group.

Diabetes only affects elderly is one of the many myths surrounding this disease, the number of children diagnosed annually has grown in recent decades worldwide. For what is this? 

Causes the increase in diabetes

Environmental factors with a genetic predisposition rise to type 1 diabetes are unknown, although in the case of type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents coincides with the increase in obesity and physical inactivity in this age group.

Symptoms of diabetes in children

The main symptoms are:
  • increased urination (enhances the number of times peeing, weigh more diapers or even re-wetting the bed a child who was already continent)
  • thirst ,
  • hunger ,
  • weakness and fatigue,
  • weight loss.

Better safe

Type 1 diabetes can not prevent it, but type 2 diabetes, which accounts for over 90 percent of cases, yes. It is, therefore, essential that parents and society act to avoid the onset of this disease inculcating good food education for children to acquire good eating and physical activity habits. Since breastfeeding in the first period of life, to the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, fish in the accurate measure ...
Our Mediterranean diet, among the many benefits it brings, is a proper diet to prevent diabetes.

8 easy tips on caring for your voice

Voice problems can be prevented. Anyone can maintain a healthy voice following a few simple recommendations especially important for that voice is your tool.

Recommendations for the proper care of the voice

  1. Do not shout or force the voice in noisy environments but also whisper: requires a greater vocal effort seem.
  2. Hydrate . Drink plenty of water a day (especially after taking any caffeinated drink to prevent dehydration of the mucosa) and seeks to be a good level of moisture in your environment with humidifiers to avoid dry conditions for heating / air conditioning.
  3. Rest correctly: try to sleep 7 hours a day. The voice is very sensitive to lack of sleep.
  4. Avoid toxically: not only snuff and alcohol but especially certain drugs. Antihistamines and some other drugs shrivel whole, not abuse them laryngeal mucosa.
  5. Do not you clarify or car ran pees throat often. Instead, drink water and swallowed deeply in several sips, gargle with water or produces a mild cough. If you have foreign body sensation in the throat, slow digestion or bad taste in the mouth, it could be reflux gastro faring Eo: go to an audiologist.
  6. Do not take candy mint, menthol or eucalyptus trees because they dry the oropharyngeal mucosa.
  7. Zero stress. Psychological stress increases the degree of contraction of the ropes and predisposes to injuries, so it is critical to remain calm so as not to raise his voice.
  8. Maintain good oral hygiene and vocal. Just as important it is to follow the above recommendations as brushing your teeth properly every day.

If you rely on your voice to work

If you use the voice professionally, you must take care of her like a pro:
  • You have to know that the larynx is a secondary sexual organ, any changes or hormonal alterations (menstruation, contraceptive use, pregnancy, menopause) can affect your voice performance.
  • Looking moments of vocal rest (at least 5 minutes) while using voice.
  • Like all the other tissues of the body economy, the vocal cords are muscles that you have to train and heat for utilization and stretch / relax at the end of their professional use.
  • Consultation with a specialist if your voice changes or gets tired too.

Vocal health begins in childhood

As a parent or teacher, you must lead by example and provide an appropriate model in the use of voice to children:

  • Speak slowly.
  • Vocalizes clearly.
  • Do not shout or talk long distance to ask for things or get their attention.
  • Respect the right to speak when speaking to them.
  • Have the children feel listened to, and not have to shout to get your attention.

Tips for the proper practice of winter sports

Cold starts and with it comes to the snow to our ski resorts. If you go to dust utensils ski or snowboard and enjoy winter sports, attentive to these tips.

Skiing is a great sport, however, is not without its dangers. Use good equipment, be in proper physical shape, make a good breakfast before heading out to the slopes, perform a warm up and, above all, have the much common sense as the sport is practiced, they are essential to minimizing risks.

Ski benefits

First, when practiced outdoors and usually in the countryside, the air we breathe is much cleaner, less polluted than that often, enters the lungs in the major cities.
Being an aerobic exercise, it promotes physical conditions and cardiopulmonary capacity and increases the production of red blood cells, i.e., blood cells that deliver oxygen to tissues in the body. So much so that many athletes performed seasons altitude training to advance their performance.

What precautions must be taken before starting winter sports?

Being a hard practice, both physically and technically, it is important to have made previous physical training or cardiorespiratory aerobic character. In these sports, if you have no experience and refined technique, it is supplemented with a physical overexertion which is tiring and leads to mistakes that cause serious injury.
If this is the first time skiing, it should undergo a sports check, which measures training for sports and thus not take any chances.
Also, if an underlying disease is suffered, consult with your doctor to see if there is any contraindication to practice sports.
The most frequent injuries
Ligamentous and meniscal knee injuries resulting from falls are quite common; also, the rotation that occurs in the knee with the foot fixed by the boot and the ski or the table is the production mechanism of these injuries. There are also frequent fractures of the tibia and wrist as a result of these drops.

Since the four years

Skiing can start from four years on, no age limit as long as the health conditions allow, for though over the years the physical conditions merman, can be supplemented with proper technique.


If you are going to do these sports, you should be especially careful with skin areas exposed to the sun as snow is a reflective medium, and the effect of solar radiation is amplified. It is fundamentally a sunscreen with SPF 50 on the face and lips.

Some recommended foods

For these sports is advisable always to have a small snack we power quickly if we notice any drop in sugar (chocolate, fruit juice) and always carry a serving of nuts to keep the energy level for an extended time.